Welcome to my blog! This page is for me and my own enjoyment, so if you have no interest in it, then that's okay. :] Hopefully though, some parts of this blog can help you with things... I'm not sure what but who knows! Anyway, sorry that it's boring, I like it this way though, it feels more cozy and reminds me of the older interwebs. We all have different prefrences! That's the beauty of LIFE.

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Unproductive day. I was playing an RPG game and lost all my progress after working on it for about 2 hours.

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Today was better than yesterday. Met some new people and saw my sister! Me, her, and my dad went to the store. While I was there, I got my friend a shirt for her birthday tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have in school suspension so I won't be able to see her until the end of the day. I feel really bad about that. I'm planning on writing my friend a birthday letter too, feels more authentic than buying a stupid card yk? I hope she likes techno... :-)

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I'm currently trapped inside of this stupid ISS room. Basically, the school thought I was drawing swastikas with my "friend," which wasn't the case. I was actually trying to erase them so he wouldn't get in trouble, should've just left it alone. I can't believe I got in trouble for something I didn't even do. Anyway, I'll update this later tonight, see ya.

Here, have this song x3


Okay so good news! I managed to get out of ISS because I told them the truth, that is, I didn't do anything. Anyways, I gave my friend her gifts and note, she seemed to really love them and I'm glad she did. I wish she knew how I really felt. THIS SUCKS!!!!!!

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Almost done with school for today. It was actually a pretty okay day, I'm excited for 5th period because a lot of my friends are in it. I found my US history book as well... and if I didn't I would've had to pay 26 bucks... Another thing, I didn't have to go to my psychology appointment today!!! I hate going to those.

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Rest of the day was lame... Just finished my SpaceHey. However... I might have a picnic with that one friend this weekend...

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It was so damn stressful today. I had to sit next to my ex friend in 4th period and man it stressed me out so much I started to smell bad. I don't hate him or anything, but he hurt me so fucking horribly that being around him makes me feel dreadful and... heavy? Doesn't make much sense but it makes sense to me. I was able to have my friend sit by me at AP pre-calc, she looked so nice today. Her hair was tied into two braids, it shows off her features really well. I almost forgot to write in here today lol.

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